Monday, January 2, 2012

Beauty Resolutions

I have never made beauty resolutions before.  I barely make life resolutions, but goals always help guide us in the direction we want to go.
  1. Go to a dermatologist.  I have been wanting to do this since after the wedding in June when my skin just has been whacky.  I just can’t seem to shake these blemishes!
  2. Wash my face every night.  Not just with those makeup removing cloths -- I mean cleaned with my facial soap and water!  I want to aim to do my whole skin care routine twice a day, but I know it is most important to go to bed with a clean face.  
  3. Along those lines, I want to make major efforts to STOP TOUCHING MY FACE!  I have the worst problem with this and I’m sure that is one of the major contributors to my skin woes.  Must. Stop.  
  4. Work on using those forgotten about products in my stash.  I have so much makeup and I don’t think I can commit to a 10-pan or shopping ban at this point, but I’m hoping if I fall in love with products I already have, I won’t feel the need to stray.
  5. Build my fragrance collection.  I always have trouble buying fragrances -- my husband can testify to this.  Fragrances are expensive.  This is something we all know, and purchasing one is an investment.  I go back and forth on whether or not I really want it ... do I need it .... ech.  But this year I will get some good fragrances!
  6. Not entirely beauty related ... and kind of gross ... I need to replace my razor blade more often!  I am the worst at it, and I know that can result in not so pleasant results.  I think you’re supposed to replace the blade every 4-8 shaves?  Sheesh.  How often do you change your razor blades?
  7. The same old -- healthier diet, drink more water.  No explanation necessary.
I think that is all for now ... I’m sure there are a million other things I should vow to myself to do this year, but I am only human after all.
What are your beauty resolutions for 2012?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello World, Hope You're Listenin'

I wanted to start this blog on New Years Day.  A new year brings fresh beginnings, goals, and ambitions.
I have been slightly pretty obsessed with beauty for some time now.  My makeup is my pride and joy (besides my dogs.  And my husband, of course.)  I have admired beauty bloggers and YouTubers for some time now, and spend much of my free time reading their blogs and watching their videos.  I think it is amazing that there is a community of like-minded people out there that can exchange knowledge and information about things they love.  There are some people out there that bring negativity to the table and bring others down, but the Beauty Community at large is such a supportive place where lovely ladies (and gents) can enjoy each other’s opinions, tips, and tricks.
I am always excited about trying new products, experimenting with colors and combinations.  I have so many ideas for upcoming posts.  Reviews, rants, raves, and much more.  Who knows if anyone will read this.  But in the least, I get to ramble on about one of my greatest loves: beautiful things.